The final day
It’s amazing how late one can work when the passions are ablaze. Despite hitting the sack at 2am, I was up at 8am, making Shakshuka and planning the day.
I spent most of the daylight hours in the bright attic, feeling great about the new name — The Apiary! The more time I spend in here, the more transformative I feel this experience could be, especially for those willing to get stuck in to the books and shuffle things around.
Got through the majority of the records by 6pm, and the shelves are almost full — it’s been amazing seeing progress at such speed as we near the end of the residency. A sobering day, though, mostly because of the number of books I haven’t yet read, in spite of being excited to acquire them. I’ll be writing more about that, of course.
But, friends are there to pick up the tone, and inhabiting the space with Chris, Dave, Dylan and Erin today, as well as saying hi to a couple of guests, made me aware of how much has been achieved this week. I’m looking forward to the place being abuzz with readers tomorrow!
Until then, stay warm!
Abeille xx